Yogandha yoga teacher pack


An incredibly deep relaxation

🌿 The rich evocative aromas of Frankincense, Lavender, Blue chamomile, Clary-sage

🌿 This luxurious handmade body oil will induce a state of sublime relaxation

🌿 Use as a nightly pre-sleep ritual – ingredients so pure can be used on whole body, including neck and face

🌿 We make in small fresh batches – grab it while you can!

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This Yoga Teacher Pack has been specifically designed to enhance and deepen both your practice and your teaching

  • Will show you how to use the ancient yogic practice of gandha (aromatherapy) to enhance your teaching.
  • Help your students arrive in the class mentally (in person or online)
  • The oils will bring you back to that state of mindfulness even when you’re off the mat.
  • In our eBook, you’ll gain tools and knowledge to combine essential oils with meditation and yoga, from Sinéad Duffy, creator of yogandha and a yogi and teacher with over 20 years of experience.

Yoga Teacher Pack is specially designed to It is particularly useful if teaching yoga classes online as it helps you and your students to get into the zone more easily.

yogandha blends were created to support you entering these states with ease and deep connection. Learning to use essential oils makes meditation and mindfulness easier and even seasoned practitioners can have enhanced experiences.

You’ll be provided with a mindfulness ritual, guided meditation and suggested uses for the oils. You’ll learn about the history of aromatherapy in yoga, the brain geography that makes them so effective and discover a deeper connection to your most yogic state.

The pack is designed to provide you with new tools to keep students looking forward to and coming back to class and experiencing more yogic and mindful moments, anchored in calmness, even when they’re not on the mat.


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