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  • 3 Event Listings

Promote up to 3 Yoga and wellness events, describe your event's details, classes, services, price, accommodation and other activities, Show pictures and presentation video, Be visible on the map, Receive direct messages from your potential clients, Google calendar add on, Reach Yoga enthusiasts and travelers!

Singing Bowl


  • 6 Event Listings

Promote up to 6 Yoga and wellness events, Get "featured" promotion periodically and get shown on top of the search section, Describe your services, planning details accommodation and other activities, Show pictures and presentation video, Be visible on the map, Receive direct messages from your potential clients, Google calendar add on, Reach Yoga enthusiasts and travelers!



  • Unlimited Event Listings

Promote Unlimited Yoga and Wellness Events, Get "featured" promotion periodically and get shown on top of the search section, Describe your services, planning details accommodation and other activities, Show pictures and presentation video, Be visible on the map, Receive direct messages from your potential clients, Google calendar add on, Reach Yoga enthusiasts and travelers!