Yogandha mindfulness pack


A deeply transformative experience

🌿 Combining essential oils with guided meditation may be the most relaxing and entrancing experience you’ve ever had

🌿 ground roll-on – with an audio meditation to allow you to access the essential oils at a deeper level

🌿 relax body oil – with a body scan letting your consciousness follow the journey the oils are making inside

🌿 We make in small fresh batches – grab this deep relaxation while you can!

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This mindfulness pack will enhance meditation and daily presence

  • ideal for exploring essential oils and with meditation and helping you stay grounded throughout the day.
  • with the body scan you can achieve deeper states of relaxation – and much better quality sleep.

Let essential oils support you on your path with meditation and mindfulness – this set is the perfect introduction

The eBook will show you how to use aromatherapy in meditation and discover the geography of the brain that makes essential oils work so well for mindfulness.

  • The oils and techniques you will learn to use in this pack will support you to experience more grounding and relaxation and will facilitate a great state of mindfulness.

The oils can also be used to enhance practices on apps like Calm, Headspace and Insight Timer, making this pack the perfect antidote to daily stresses and anxiety.


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